Letters to my son

Molo nyana... I greet in the language of the Xhosa speaking people, greeting you beloved son.

I hope you are all well and have been doing good for your mother and in academics too... Congratulations once more on your forever dreamed dream of pursuing your studies, and now that your journey has been paved clear I want you to listen very attentively on this letter. You are to embark on a serious journey filled with series of events in your life, you will meet them different as you pursue your academics further. Some dressed up in political regalia, some dressed up in tailored suits and shining shoes, some being "ordinary" and some being the "do-gooders", I mean you will also meet policy makers, policy-upholders as well as policy-abiders, you will choose who those that make you feel alive.

As much as you will be choosing, I want you to know this, it is easy to read up stuff, memorise them and be able to articulate them so loud because you are to an extent not affected by such, just like those "do-gooders", they preach the gospel of doing good to others, on basis that they think those they do good to, are less fortunate and need a helping hand. I am not saying stay away from them or do not be one of them. On contrast though, there are policy makers and policy upholders, those clowns they know what is the law and how the law should be practised, but son, those people are fools. They honestly do not know what they are talking about, because they have never been in those situations, for instance the rule on rape and abuse, they will tell you on how to report, yet they know nothing of the emotional damage and psychological damage that one is left with once they are involved in that situation. So do not be a fool and be either of them.

I know you will be stupid and very much of a fool, like I am your father and try to be superman, but believe you me, there is so much you can do for one and I urge, nomatter what have a hear to stay honest and respecting people's confindentiality. Some tell you their problems, only because they just want to share the weight with someone and not to hold you accountable for those problems, and some tell you their problems in seeking advise, but all in all, they are non of your business and YOU CAN DO SO MUCH at a time.

I love you kid, so much and I would hate to see you being consumed by such unwanted events of life and all these people that you are to meet in this short space of time. Remember you are the royal blood, a rare breed and daddy is proud of you.

Yours dearly
Number 1


  1. I'm astonished my brother your just amazing. You have something special in you don't close in a corner where people can't reach it please if you don't do it for yourself do it for our future generations. Making videos sharing them on YouTube my life,my mistakes can become more than just a blog to us as youth...


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