Letter to my son

The duke of the castle, hello son.

It is Friday early morning and I am writing to you this letter. I believe you would probably say that I am writing now to you being bored or even not sleepy, but my situation now doesn't necessarily need to worry you buddy. I can assure you, I am fine. I do however, hope this letter finds you well.

Sonny, it is both a curse and a blessing to be who you are. Pardon me for being this frank, but there is no better way to tell you this. You see, your sisters will always get judged when they do something that is deemed inappropriate but you and your brothers on the other side, will be cheered. Definitely, you know that I do no such a thing, a spade is as is, a spade.

But today, I have to tell you this, great expectations shall rise in your name. I, for one shall expect you to keep being the bearer of hope in this family, as you can see that I am just a simple and weak man. I shall seek to you to be the one who bears the name of this family, along with your little brothers. In other words, your life is no longer necessarily your life anymore, but you share it with many people.

In all this that I am telling you, I want you to know that you are allowed to have your time out. Time out of this stormy and demanding market of life. You are allowed son, to be weak, to be hurt, to cry. You are allowed to fail and repeat. I know, society will teach you differently, but no one can really feel your emotions and pain. I myself cannot share your sentiments son. You are allowed to tap out.

Your growth, will call for your strength and strength you will have it. As the wise men say, "All things come to an end", the season of free strength shall come to an end too, you will seek for that strength and you won't find any. You will even think you have been bewitched by one of your friends who stopped being your friend, but the truth of the matter is, you have no strength anymore and you need to accept that. Your growth will be like a rose, thorny but beautiful and dangerous. Beautiful enough to attract honeys and dangerous enough to keep destroying people far from you.

And in seasons like that, you will be forced to put on a mask that says "I am fine". Remember, Sepedi se re "Tshuana e sa lleng, e hwela tharing", and by that you will need to tap out. Don't be a macho here, you will castrate yourself while young.

Please pass my greetings to your mother, my wife.
Kiss your sisters on the forehead for me.
Keep your brothers safe and keep safe son.

Your dear father
Number 1👍
