Oh! Freedom

Oh! Freedom, how do I curse thee.
Having our beloved ones fight so hard to earn you, 
Little did they know that you were a trap.
Little did they know that you have viciously became a market of selling them.

Oh! Freedom, how do I curse thee;
having sold those who were leaders in the struggle to achieve you;
having sold their souls when our beloved predecessors fought with blood and sweat.
Freedom! They cried with joy saying you are coming tomorrow;
but to be honest you were not coming at all. No! You didn't come!
Admit it! You little rubber-neck! Say it! Say you didn't come!
In fact, you chose to send your devious brother called "democracy".
You sent him to blind-fold us,
to make a mockery out of the blood that was shed in your name.

Oh! Freedom! How I curse you for that you sold us pipe dreams.
Freedom, with your little squeaky voice, you gave us nothing but a meatless bone, 
in the name of democracy.
Look at us now, today. Fighting again, in your name.
Fighting again, with our souls, tears, blood and all we have,
calling in your name, hoping you shall heed to our cries.
We even have to shame ourselves in front of the sons of the soil, 
our sisters have to bare their bodies in front of us who have been sold by your brother,
We have to always raise our hands in front of our protectors, 
because you are still having nice times with the forefathers of the captivity of the black man.

How could you? Like how could you let us go through all this pain, again?
How could you let your brother allow such pain run once more?
When we have to reach a change, there is always blood that is meant to be shed,
because you thought delaying your arrival would best suit us.
How did you manage to manipulate those that we indeed fighting for you before us?
Like really how did you?
You must be sitting wherever you are and thinking "these people think I am cheap", 
but what is more expensive than a soul of an African child?
You master of deceit!

Freedom! Open your tucked and folded ears, and listen;
we are calling on you as we fight for this education.
You know we deserve it, you know by achieving the free education, 
we will certainly have a reason to celebrate your day as South African youth.
Just stop being stubborn and playing us with them sell-outs.
Avail yourself, so as to be proud of you.
We are not idiots, we are not pea-brained.
Oh! Freedom, how do I curse your ignorance, yet how do I call upon you/

Alert us about your arrival, the sooner the better,
we don't want to be like our predecessors who were too early to celebrate your arrival.
We truly want to say, "Freedom is coming tomorrow..", with no fear or favour. 
Oh! Freedom! Heed to our call.
