I miss you

I miss you.
I miss the late night calls we used to have, 
miss the senseless and meaningless conversations we had.
I miss the smile on your face, 
the face that would beam with joy every time we met.
I miss you.

I know it's a little too late to say how much I miss you, 
Yet the Englishmen said, "rather be late than never", 
so I miss you, I terribly miss you.
The scent of your fragrance, the skimpy jokes you made,
the unreal dreams you had, the never-ending problems we would solve.
I miss you.
PhotoCred:Unknown painter& https://respondingtolifeorg.com/2017/02/02/born-or-made/

Allow me to write to you and tell you how much I miss you, 
how much I long to see you, how much I long for your embrace.
Allow me please, please do not let me not write to you.
I won't have enough time to tell you how much I miss you, 
on any day, be it your graduation, be it your wedding or your funeral.
I just won't have enough time, so please allow me to write to you.
I miss you, and I cannot afford to miss you when you have passed on, 
I cannot afford to sing you the "I miss you"
song when there is nothing to miss anymore.
Please listen, I miss you.

We were strangers before, but now we are strangers that know each other.
I guess, there shall be a day where we meet again to re-introduce one another.
Selfish me will keep trying to reach you and tell you that I miss you.


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