Social talk 1

Hi there readers. I humbly apologise for taking time not writing something, but I have to tell you, it has been a journey of discovering what I should write about. I am to write about matters that worth reading and talking about.

As I begin a new series of posts, they are called Social talk, and in this episode I am addressing this issue of "Virginity of women". 

I agree that I personally am not a woman, but I feel that men should get to talk about the case of virginity and its validation for a perfect marriage. What is this virginity? Why does it have to be one sided to women than two sided for both men and women? Why do men use it as a power over them ladies for their worthiness? Well, all this began one day when a female friend of mine in Bellville (Western Cape) had a chat with me some late night about sex, in fact we were not chatting but she was sad based on some recent developments in her life and asking for a neutral advice on what to do. She is a fully devoted Christian who liked this particular guy from church and knew the guy liked her too, but afraid that the guy might not see her as a wife material as she was not a virgin anymore and the story goes on, in that, emotions were high. And one question that I asked was, why should your virginity have to validate your marriage or even who you're dating?

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The answer to the question was based on Christian teachings that a woman's body is precious and sex before marriage is a sin. Which brings to the question, why then do we have this sexual desires before marriage? When I say "we", I mean everyone who knows what I am talking about. Why? Some females go beyond the board to bow  down to their families being good girls while the parents themselves know very well that they indulged in sexual activities before they even knew what real love is. The image on the left, is one issue that should be talked about, in clubs, in schools, at soccer practice or even in real life debates. Tell me this, if the woman's virginity is a gift, then what is the gift  that the man is giving to the woman? On that note of gifts, who gives a man the right to decide how should a certain lady behave in her sexual conducts? The irony to this gifts of marriage, is that before one gets married, there are life stages that are incredibly life changing, and one of them is puberty. You do know that stage, where you want to get kissed for the first time, you get to feel shy about someone and as a guy, you get to have these desires when you kiss some girl. In that stage, some of the elders talk about this sex that you so want to have and the thought of marriage is far away from your mind. And then today when you are a bit older and wiser you get to have a right of claim against a woman who is not virgin? MAIGOT! Somehow, one has to be real, you cannot screw around and expect that some Marry from heaven will descend upon you when marriage comes, as the English-men say, what you do to others is what you should expect in return.
